Adding new substance to blood model:
- add to Blood.substanceNames
- modify {plasma/formedElements}{MassFraction+SpecificAmountOfParticles}
- modify functions: Blood.specificEnthalpies_Tpv
- modify model: Blood.ArterialComposition, run it and resuled X set as ArterialDefault (and from VenousComposition -> VenousDefault)
- modify model: Blood.ChemicalSolution,
Extends from Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium.
Name | Description |
ArterialDefault={0.47397342,0.2602675,0.00024730066,0.00060022215,0.00028510197,4.0067286e-11,0.13012053,0.0006506026,0.0006506026,0.023240043,0.0148344375,7.7006625e-06,0.0005979338,0.00058174727,4.9633483e-05,0.00021128391,0.00026331126,0.0005255277,2.637139e-06,0.0016869484,8.2860926e-05,6.699073e-05,0.0015625204,0.0018235744,0.0008487089,2.1192053e-11,1.2715232e-10,1.0567206e-12,3.675887e-10,3.6916557e-11,5.978278e-11,4.2172186e-08,4.2172186e-09,5.298013e-15,1.0596027e-11,7.12053e-15,6.301733e-11,0.025162973,0.061655864} | Default mass fraction in arterial blood |
VenousDefault={0.47057825,0.26366264,0.0001659035,0.00065897073,0.00033050895,4.0067286e-11,0.13012053,0.0006506026,0.0006506026,0.023240043,0.0148344375,7.7006625e-06,0.0005979338,0.00058174727,4.9633483e-05,0.00021128391,0.00026331126,0.0005255277,2.637139e-06,0.0016869484,8.2860926e-05,6.699073e-05,0.0015625204,0.0017914142,0.00088086916,2.1192053e-11,1.2715232e-10,1.0567206e-12,3.675887e-10,3.6916557e-11,5.978278e-11,4.2172186e-08,4.2172186e-09,5.298013e-15,1.0596027e-11,7.12053e-15,6.301733e-11,0.028531536,0.05826454} | Default mass fraction in venous blood |
CDefault={1e-20,1e-20,1e-06} | |
plasmaMassFraction | Blood plasmacrit [kg/kg] |
plasmaSpecificAmountOfParticles | Amount of free particles in 1 kg of blood plasma |
formedElementsMassFraction | Blood hematocrit [kg/kg] |
formedElementsSpecificAmountOfParticles | Amount of free particles in 1 kg of blood formed elements |
ArterialComposition | To set mass fractions in blood |
VenousComposition | To set mass fractions in blood |
SubstancesPort | Blood chemical substances interface |
ThermodynamicState | A selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state |
stateOfMatter | Substances model to translate data into substance properties |
ChemicalSolution | Free chemical substances |
BloodGases | Hydrogen Ion, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen in the Blood |
BaseProperties | Base properties of medium |
specificEnthalpies_Tpv | Specific enthalpies of blood substances |
specificEnthalpy | Return specific enthalpy |
hemoglobinDissociationCurve | Hemoglobin dissociation curve as saturation of O2 and CO2 on hemoglobin (excluded methemoglobin) |
hemoglobinDissociationCurve_der | Derivative of Hemoglobin dissociation curve as saturation of O2 and CO2 on hemoglobin (excluded methemoglobin) |
setState_pTX | Thermodynamic state |
setState_phX | Thermodynamic state |
density | Density |
plasmaDensity | Density of blood plasma |
specificHeatCapacityCp | Specific heat capacityReturn specific heat capacity at constant pressure |
temperature | Temperature |
pressure | Pressure |
tO2 | Total oxygen in blood |
sO2 | Oxygen saturation on effective hemoglobin |
tCO2 | Total carbon dioxide in blood |
tCO | Total carbon monoxide in blood |
tHb | Total hemoglobine in blood |
FMetHb | Methemoglobine fraction |
FHbF | Foetalhemoglobine fraction |
ctHb_ery | Total hemoglobine in erythrocytes |
tAlb | Total albumine in blood plasma |
tGlb | Total globulin in blood plasma [g/L] |
tPO4 | Total anorganic phosphates in blood plasma |
cDPG | Total diphosphoglycerate in erythrocytes |
SID | Strong ion difference of blood |
glucose | Total glucose in blood plasma |
lactate | Total lactate in blood plasma |
urea | Total urea in blood plasma |
aminoAcids | Total amino acids in blood plasma |
lipids | Total faty acids in blood plasma |
ketoAcids | Total ketoacids in blood plasma |
epinephrine | Epinephrine in blood plasma |
norepinephrine | Norepinephrine in blood plasma |
vasopressin | Vasopressin in blood plasma |
insulin | Insulin in blood plasma |
glucagon | Glucagon in blood plasma |
thyrotropin | Thyrotropin in blood plasma |
thyroxine | Thyroxine in blood plasma |
leptin | Leptin in blood plasma |
desglymidodrine | Desglymidodrine in blood plasma |
angiotensin2 | Angiotensin2 in blood plasma |
alphaBlockers | Alpha blockers effect |
betaBlockers | Beta blockers effect |
anesthesiaVascularConductance | Anesthesia vascular conductance effect |
aldosterone | Aldosterone in blood plasma |
renin | Renin PRA in blood plasma |
plasmacrit | Blood plasmacrit [mL/mL] |
hematocrit | Blood hematocrit [mL/mL] |
formedElementsDensity | Density of blood formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes) |
formedElementsMassFractionWithoutOther | Blood hematocrit without unknown substances in formed elements [kg/kg] |
plasmaMassFractionWithoutOther | Blood plasmacrit without unknown substances in blood plasma [kg/kg] |
Inherited | |
i | Find index of substance |
j | Find index of extra property |
SubstanceFlowNominal=ArterialDefault ./ Constants.TimeScale | Nominal of substance flow |
SpecificEnthalpyNominal=-1E6 | Nominal of specific enthalpy |
temperatureError | To find u as temperature, where temperatureError(u,p,X,h)->0 |
GetMolality | |
GetMassConcentration | |
GetFraction | |
GetActivity | |
GetDensity | |
GetExtraProperty | |
GetConcentration | |
ThermoStates=Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Choices.IndependentVariables.phX | Enumeration type for independent variables |
mediumName="Blood" | Name of the medium |
substanceNames={"H2O_P","H2O_E","O2","CO2_P","CO2_E","CO","eHb","MetHb","HbF","Alb","Glb","PO4","DPG","Glucose","Lactate","Urea","AminoAcids","Lipids","KetoAcids","Na_P","K_P","Na_E","K_E","Cl_P","Cl_E","Epinephrine","Norepinephrine","Vasopressin","Insulin","Glucagon","Thyrotropin","Thyroxine","Leptin","Desglymidodrine","Angiotensin2","Renin","Aldosterone","Other_P","Other_E"} | Names of the mixture substances. Set substanceNames={mediumName} if only one substance. |
extraPropertiesNames={"AlphaBlockers","BetaBlockers","AnesthesiaVascularConductance"} | Names of the additional (extra) transported properties. Set extraPropertiesNames=fill("",0) if unused |
singleState=true | = true, if u and d are not a function of pressure |
reducedX=false | = true if medium contains the equation sum(X) = 1.0; set reducedX=true if only one substance (see docu for details) |
fixedX=false | = true if medium contains the equation X = reference_X |
reference_p=101325 | Reference pressure of Medium: default 1 atmosphere |
reference_T=310.15 | Reference temperature of Medium: default 25 deg Celsius |
reference_X=ArterialDefault | Default mass fractions of medium |
p_default=101325 | Default value for pressure of medium (for initialization) |
T_default=Modelica.Units.Conversions.from_degC(20) | Default value for temperature of medium (for initialization) |
h_default=specificEnthalpy_pTX(p_default, T_default, X_default) | Default value for specific enthalpy of medium (for initialization) |
X_default=reference_X | Default value for mass fractions of medium (for initialization) |
C_default=CDefault | Default value for trace substances of medium (for initialization) |
nS=size(substanceNames, 1) | Number of substances |
nX=nS | Number of mass fractions |
nXi=if fixedX then 0 else if reducedX then nS - 1 else nS | Number of structurally independent mass fractions (see docu for details) |
nC=size(extraPropertiesNames, 1) | Number of extra (outside of standard mass-balance) transported properties |
C_nominal=1.0e-6*ones(nC) | Default for the nominal values for the extra properties |
FluidConstants | Critical, triple, molecular and other standard data of fluid |
setState_psX | Return thermodynamic state as function of p, s and composition X or Xi |
setState_dTX | Return thermodynamic state as function of d, T and composition X or Xi |
setSmoothState | Return thermodynamic state so that it smoothly approximates: if x > 0 then state_a else state_b |
dynamicViscosity | Return dynamic viscosity |
thermalConductivity | Return thermal conductivity |
prandtlNumber | Return the Prandtl number |
specificInternalEnergy | Return specific internal energy |
specificEntropy | Return specific entropy |
specificGibbsEnergy | Return specific Gibbs energy |
specificHelmholtzEnergy | Return specific Helmholtz energy |
heatCapacity_cp | Alias for deprecated name |
specificHeatCapacityCv | Return specific heat capacity at constant volume |
heatCapacity_cv | Alias for deprecated name |
isentropicExponent | Return isentropic exponent |
isentropicEnthalpy | Return isentropic enthalpy |
velocityOfSound | Return velocity of sound |
isobaricExpansionCoefficient | Return overall the isobaric expansion coefficient beta |
beta | Alias for isobaricExpansionCoefficient for user convenience |
isothermalCompressibility | Return overall the isothermal compressibility factor |
kappa | Alias of isothermalCompressibility for user convenience |
density_derp_h | Return density derivative w.r.t. pressure at const specific enthalpy |
density_derh_p | Return density derivative w.r.t. specific enthalpy at constant pressure |
density_derp_T | Return density derivative w.r.t. pressure at const temperature |
density_derT_p | Return density derivative w.r.t. temperature at constant pressure |
density_derX | Return density derivative w.r.t. mass fraction |
molarMass | Return the molar mass of the medium |
specificEnthalpy_pTX | Return specific enthalpy from p, T, and X or Xi |
specificEntropy_pTX | Return specific enthalpy from p, T, and X or Xi |
density_pTX | Return density from p, T, and X or Xi |
temperature_phX | Return temperature from p, h, and X or Xi |
density_phX | Return density from p, h, and X or Xi |
temperature_psX | Return temperature from p,s, and X or Xi |
density_psX | Return density from p, s, and X or Xi |
specificEnthalpy_psX | Return specific enthalpy from p, s, and X or Xi |
MassFlowRate | Type for mass flow rate with medium specific attributes |
AbsolutePressure | Type for absolute pressure with medium specific attributes |
Density | Type for density with medium specific attributes |
DynamicViscosity | Type for dynamic viscosity with medium specific attributes |
EnthalpyFlowRate | Type for enthalpy flow rate with medium specific attributes |
MassFraction | Type for mass fraction with medium specific attributes |
MoleFraction | Type for mole fraction with medium specific attributes |
MolarMass | Type for molar mass with medium specific attributes |
MolarVolume | Type for molar volume with medium specific attributes |
IsentropicExponent | Type for isentropic exponent with medium specific attributes |
SpecificEnergy | Type for specific energy with medium specific attributes |
SpecificInternalEnergy | Type for specific internal energy with medium specific attributes |
SpecificEnthalpy | Type for specific enthalpy with medium specific attributes |
SpecificEntropy | Type for specific entropy with medium specific attributes |
SpecificHeatCapacity | Type for specific heat capacity with medium specific attributes |
SurfaceTension | Type for surface tension with medium specific attributes |
Temperature | Type for temperature with medium specific attributes |
ThermalConductivity | Type for thermal conductivity with medium specific attributes |
PrandtlNumber | Type for Prandtl number with medium specific attributes |
VelocityOfSound | Type for velocity of sound with medium specific attributes |
ExtraProperty | Type for unspecified, mass-specific property transported by flow |
CumulativeExtraProperty | Type for conserved integral of unspecified, mass specific property |
ExtraPropertyFlowRate | Type for flow rate of unspecified, mass-specific property |
IsobaricExpansionCoefficient | Type for isobaric expansion coefficient with medium specific attributes |
DipoleMoment | Type for dipole moment with medium specific attributes |
DerDensityByPressure | Type for partial derivative of density with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes |
DerDensityByEnthalpy | Type for partial derivative of density with respect to enthalpy with medium specific attributes |
DerEnthalpyByPressure | Type for partial derivative of enthalpy with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes |
DerDensityByTemperature | Type for partial derivative of density with respect to temperature with medium specific attributes |
DerTemperatureByPressure | Type for partial derivative of temperature with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes |
SaturationProperties | Saturation properties of two phase medium |
FluidLimits | Validity limits for fluid model |
FixedPhase | Phase of the fluid: 1 for 1-phase, 2 for two-phase, 0 for not known, e.g., interactive use |
Basic | The most basic version of a record used in several degrees of detail |
IdealGas | The ideal gas version of a record used in several degrees of detail |
TwoPhase | The two phase fluid version of a record used in several degrees of detail |
Blood plasmacrit [kg/kg]
Mass of blood plasma per mass of blood.
Extends from GetFraction.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |
Amount of free particles in 1 kg of blood plasma
Amount of particles in blood plasma per mass of blood plasma.
Extends from GetMolality.
Name | Description |
state | |
T | [K] |
pct | [1] |
Name | Description |
B | [mol/kg] |
Blood hematocrit [kg/kg]
Mass of formed elements per mass of blood.
Extends from GetFraction.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |
Amount of free particles in 1 kg of blood formed elements
Amount of particles in red cells per mass of red cells.
Extends from GetMolality.
Name | Description |
state | |
T | [K] |
hct | [1] |
Name | Description |
B | [mol/kg] |
To set mass fractions in blood
Calculate state of the medium from more human-like setting.
To set mass fractions in blood
Calculate state of the medium from more human-like setting.
Extends from ArterialComposition (To set mass fractions in blood).
Name | Description |
tO2 | Total oxygen in blood [mol/m3] |
tCO2 | Total carbon dioxide in blood [mol/m3] |
Initialization | |
XE | [1] |
XP2 | [1] |
PMF | [1] |
x_P | Amount of free particles in 1 kg of blood plasma [mol/kg] [mol/kg] |
x_E | Amount of free particles in 1 kg of blood erythrocytes [mol/kg] [mol/kg] |
Blood chemical substances interface
Electrochemical connections lead via free base substance forms. For example, the total mass fraction of carbon dioxide is represented as part of the composition of blood in fluid connector, but free dissolved carbon dioxide in blood plasma or bicarbonate in blood plasma are its electrochemical connectors proposed to model the electrochemical CO2 fluxes. Since the selected forms are precisely determined by the composition of the blood, it is not necessary to store them and pass them through the fluid connector. They are only expressed and calculated when needed.
Name | Description |
CO2 | Free carbon dioxide molecule |
O2 | Free oxygen molecule |
CO | Free carbon monoxide moelcule |
HCO3 | Free bicarbonate molecule |
H | Free protons |
H2O | Free water molecule (in pure water is only cca 1 mol/kg free water molecules, other cca 54.5 mols are bounded together by hydrogen bonds) |
Glucose | |
Lactate | |
Urea | |
AminoAcids | |
Lipids | |
KetoAcids | |
Epinephrine | |
Norepinephrine | |
Vasopressin | |
Insulin | |
Glucagon | |
Thyrotropin | |
Thyroxine | |
Leptin | |
Desglymidodrine | |
Angiotensin2 | |
Renin | |
Aldosterone |
A selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state
Thermodynamic state of blood is represented by pressure, temperature, base substances composition, electrical potential and ionic strengh.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Record (Icon for records), (Minimal variable set that is available as input argument to every medium function).
Free chemical substances
Chemical equilibrium is represented by expression of electrochemical potentials of base blood substances.
Extends from (Adaptor between selected free base chemical substances and medium substances).
Name | Description |
substances | free base chemical substances |
startSubstanceMasses[nS] | Initial value of medium substance masses [kg] |
KC_Cl | Rate of chloride shift equilibration |
KC_H2O | Rate of osmolarity equilibration |
KC_CO2 | Rate of CO2 equilibration |
Name | Description |
substances | free base chemical substances |
p | pressure [Pa] |
h | specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
X[nS] | mass fractions of medium substances [1] |
_i | electric current from substances [A] |
substanceMassFlowsFromStream[nS] | flow of medium substances [kg/s] |
substanceMasses[nS] | mass od medium substances [kg] |
massFlows[nS] | mass flows trough substancesPort [kg/s] |
T | temperature [K] |
enthalpyFromSubstances | enthalpy from substances [W] |
v | electric potential [V] |
Hydrogen Ion, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen in the Blood
Hydrogen Ion, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen in the Blood (
Medsoft_2013_Matejak.pdf (
Name | Description |
pKa1 | HPO4^2- dissociation |
pKa2 | H2PO4^- dissociation |
pKa3 | H3PO4 dissociation |
betaOxyHb | Buffer value for oxygenated Hb without CO2 |
pIo | Isoelectric pH for oxygenated Hb without CO2 |
pKzD | Coefficient pKa for NH3+ end of deoxygenated hemoglobin chain |
pKzO | Coefficient pKa for NH3+ end of oxygenated hemoglobin chain |
pKcD | 10^(pH-pKcR) is the dissociation constatnt for HbNH2 + CO2 <-> HbNHCOO- + H+ |
pKcO | 10^(pH-pKcO) is the dissociation constatnt for O2HbNH2 + CO2 <-> O2HbNHCOO- + H+ |
pKhD | 10^(pH-pKhD) is the dissociation constatnt for HbAH <-> HbA- + H+ |
pKhO | 10^(pH-pKhO) is the dissociation constatnt for O2HbAH <-> O2HbA- + H+ |
Base properties of medium
Simplification of blood:
Constant density and constant heat capacity
Extends from (Base properties (p, d, T, h, u, R_s, MM and, if applicable, X and Xi) of a medium).
Name | Description |
standardOrderComponents | If true, and reducedX = true, the last element of X will be computed from the other ones |
Advanced | |
preferredMediumStates | = true if StateSelect.prefer shall be used for the independent property variables of the medium |
Specific enthalpies of blood substances
Extends from (Specific enthalpies of medium substances).
Name | Description |
T | Temperature [K] |
p | Pressure [Pa] |
v | Electric potential of the substance [V] |
Name | Description |
specificEnthalpy[nS] | Specific enthalpies of medium substances [J/kg] |
Return specific enthalpy
Extends from (Return specific enthalpy).
Name | Description |
state | Thermodynamic state record |
Name | Description |
h | Specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
Hemoglobin dissociation curve as saturation of O2 and CO2 on hemoglobin (excluded methemoglobin)
Hemoglobin-Oxygen dissociation relation based on OSA (Oxygen Status Algorithm) by Siggaard Andersen.
Hydrogen Ion, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen in the Blood (
Name | Description |
pH | acidity |
pO2 | oxygen partial pressure |
pCO2 | carbon dioxide partial pressure |
pCO | carbon monoxide partial pressure |
T | temperature |
tHb | total hemoglobin |
cDPG | diphosphoglicerate |
FMetHb | methemoglobin fraction |
FHbF | foethel hemoglobin fraction |
Name | Description |
sO2CO | oxygen and carbon monoxide saturation |
Derivative of Hemoglobin dissociation curve as saturation of O2 and CO2 on hemoglobin (excluded methemoglobin)
Hemoglobin-Oxygen dissociation relation based on OSA (Oxygen Status Algorithm) by Siggaard Andersen.
Hydrogen Ion, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen in the Blood (
Name | Description |
pH | acidity |
pO2 | oxygen partial pressure |
pCO2 | carbon dioxide partial pressure |
pCO | carbon monoxide partial pressure |
T | temperature |
tHb | total hemoglobin |
cDPG | diphosphoglicerate |
FMetHb | methemoglobin fraction |
FHbF | foethel hemoglobin fraction |
der_pH | derivative of acidity |
der_pO2 | derivative of oxygen partial pressure |
der_pCO2 | derivative of carbon dioxide partial pressure |
der_pCO | derivative of carbon monoxide partial pressure |
der_T | derivative of temperature |
der_tHb | derivative of total hemoglobin |
der_cDPG | derivative of diphosphoglicerate |
der_FMetHb | derivative of methemoglobin fraction |
der_FHbF | derivative of foethel hemoglobin fraction |
Name | Description |
der_sO2CO | derivative of oxygen and carbon monoxide saturation |
Thermodynamic state
Set thermodynamic state
Extends from (Return thermodynamic state as function of p, T and composition X or Xi).
Name | Description |
p | Pressure [Pa] |
T | Temperature [K] |
X[:] | Mass fractions [kg/kg] |
v | electric potential [V] |
Name | Description |
state | Thermodynamic state record |
Thermodynamic state
Set thermodynamic state based on constant heat capacity
Extends from (Return thermodynamic state as function of p, h and composition X or Xi).
Name | Description |
p | Pressure [Pa] |
h | Specific enthalpy [J/kg] |
X[:] | Mass fractions [kg/kg] |
v | electric potential [V] |
Name | Description |
state | Thermodynamic state record |
constant density
Extends from (Return density).
Name | Description |
state | Thermodynamic state record |
Name | Description |
d | Density [kg/m3] |
Density of blood plasma
constant density
Extends from GetDensity.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
d | [kg/m3] |
Specific heat capacityReturn specific heat capacity at constant pressure
Constant specific heat capacity
Extends from (Return specific heat capacity at constant pressure).
Name | Description |
state | Thermodynamic state record |
Name | Description |
cp | Specific heat capacity at constant pressure [J/(kg.K)] |
Extends from (Return temperature).
Name | Description |
state | Thermodynamic state record |
Name | Description |
T | Temperature [K] |
Extends from (Return pressure).
Name | Description |
state | Thermodynamic state record |
Name | Description |
p | Pressure [Pa] |
Total oxygen in blood
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Oxygen saturation on effective hemoglobin
Extends from GetFraction.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |
Total carbon dioxide in blood
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total carbon monoxide in blood
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total hemoglobine in blood
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Methemoglobine fraction
Extends from GetFraction.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |
Foetalhemoglobine fraction
Extends from GetFraction.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |
Total hemoglobine in erythrocytes
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total albumine in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total globulin in blood plasma [g/L]
Extends from GetMassConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
R | [kg/m3] |
Total anorganic phosphates in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total diphosphoglycerate in erythrocytes
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Strong ion difference of blood
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total glucose in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total lactate in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total urea in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total amino acids in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total faty acids in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Total ketoacids in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Epinephrine in blood plasma
Extends from GetMassConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
R | [kg/m3] |
Norepinephrine in blood plasma
Extends from GetMassConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
R | [kg/m3] |
Vasopressin in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Insulin in blood plasma
Extends from GetActivity.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
A | [U/m3] |
Glucagon in blood plasma
Extends from GetMassConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
R | [kg/m3] |
Thyrotropin in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Thyroxine in blood plasma
Extends from GetMassConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
R | [kg/m3] |
Leptin in blood plasma
Extends from GetMassConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
R | [kg/m3] |
Desglymidodrine in blood plasma
Extends from GetMassConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
R | [kg/m3] |
Angiotensin2 in blood plasma
Extends from GetMassConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
R | [kg/m3] |
Alpha blockers effect
Extends from GetExtraProperty.
Name | Description |
C[nC] | Extra properties values |
Name | Description |
e |
Beta blockers effect
Extends from GetExtraProperty.
Name | Description |
C[nC] | Extra properties values |
Name | Description |
e |
Anesthesia vascular conductance effect
Extends from GetExtraProperty.
Name | Description |
C[nC] | Extra properties values |
Name | Description |
e |
Aldosterone in blood plasma
Extends from GetConcentration.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
C | [mol/m3] |
Renin PRA in blood plasma
Extends from GetActivity.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
A | [ng/(ml.h)] |
Blood plasmacrit [mL/mL]
Extends from GetFraction.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |
Blood hematocrit [mL/mL]
Extends from GetFraction.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |
Density of blood formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes)
constant density
Extends from GetDensity.
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
d | [kg/m3] |
Blood hematocrit without unknown substances in formed elements [kg/kg]
Extends from formedElementsMassFraction (Blood hematocrit [kg/kg]).
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |
Blood plasmacrit without unknown substances in blood plasma [kg/kg]
Extends from plasmaMassFraction (Blood plasmacrit [kg/kg]).
Name | Description |
state |
Name | Description |
F | [1] |